- Double Blind Peer Reviewed
Journal of Science & Technology
Journal of Science & Technology is a Bi-Monthly e-Journal of Scientific Research bearing ISSN: 2582-6921. The Journal covers scientific research from all research areas of science and is not limited to any specific topic or subject.

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The Role of Contemporary Cost Accounting Systems in Planning, Decision-Making and Controlling, in Sudanese Sea Port Corporation
The study aimed to demonstrate the role played by Contemporary cost accounting systems in the operations, planning, control, and decision-making of the Seaports corporation. In addition to identifying the weaknesses and strengths when applying contemporary cost accounting systems, and to achieve the objectives of the study, it followed the historical method, the deductive method, the
Optimize Future Cloud Computing Service System
Cloud computing means reserving and retrieving data over the cloud on behalf of computer’s hard drive. For taking decision to get better benefit, Cloud Company faces many problems. For this reasons, Operation Research (OR) is used to find out a better solution. Cloud Company is mainly related on three parties: (1) cloud providers, (2) cloud
New Averaging Method For Risk Reduction In Coastal Region
In this paper, a new statistical averaging method (NSAM) has been proposed to solve multi-objective linear programming problem (MOLPP) by using a new arithmetic averaging method, a new geometric averaging method and a new harmonic averaging method. The statistical averaging method (SAM), which also includes arithmetic averaging, geometric averaging and harmonic averaging, has also been
The Science And Physiological Benefits Behind Purposefully Choosing Positive Thoughts
In an effort to strengthen conceptual foundations of eudaimonic well-being, key messages from Aristotle’s Nichomacean Ethics are revisited. Also examined are ideas about positive human functioning from existential and utilitarian philosophy as well as clinical, developmental, and humanistic psychology. How these perspectives were integrated to create a multidimensional model of psychological well-being [Ryff, C.D.: 1989a,
Inguinal Hernia Repair using Mosquito Net Cloth instead of Polypropylene Mesh- A Randomized Controlled Trial
Inguinal hernioplasty is the technique of using prosthetic material for repair of inguinal hernia. It is the most common method used for repair of inguinal hernia worldwide. In tension free hernioplasty, instead of suturing anatomic structures that are not in apposition, the entire defect is reinforced by a sheet of mesh. In industrialized and developed
Enhancing Bring Your Own Device Security in Education
The acceptance and use of personal devices at educational institutions is on the rise, resulting in the education sector’s adoption of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). The institutions benefit from cost reduction in buying and managing IT devices as users purchase and bring their own devices. Users benefit by accessing learning materials and collaboration anytime,